Dev, Design, AI, and Fun


  • 2024s Review

    This year, after the troubles that where unexpected at the end of the last, I needed to rethink what I will be doing. As I shared in the 2023 Review, after the main detrimental incident, it’s been tough to get things back on track. With…

  • 2024, Dec 27: Dinokeng Game Reserve Visit

    2024, Dec 27: Dinokeng Game Reserve Visit

    To end the year, it was a smart idea to spend time with family and enjoy the nature nearby. My camera struggled a touch on the lighting with the massive amounts of patchy cloud cover, but Photolemur 3 did wonders! It’s always wonderful to go…

  • 2024, Dec 17: Crazy Singles Hikes

    2024, Dec 17: Crazy Singles Hikes

    I decided, after my 16 hikes in the first half (odd) of the year, I needed another hike. Yes, despite the heat wave. So, ending the year at 17 hikes, the Crazy Singles Hiking Group (Gauteng) had a trip to the Dome Pools MCSA hiking…

  • End The Year with a Challenge

    End The Year with a Challenge

    There have been several challenges, from just over a year ago, which have been grinding me down. Slow, but steadily. To focus on the good things that happened, I’ve started out with a small challenge to finalise 2024 for myself. The mental switch I needed…

  • GitHub Copilot: First Experience

    GitHub Copilot: First Experience

    Today’s goal is simple; share the experience, and my personal reviews, of how the Copilot Workspace is, so far. Please note, this is under active development and can change a ton still, as time goes by. You can take a look at the progress on…

  • 2024/11/14 – GitHub Constellation 24

    2024/11/14 – GitHub Constellation 24

    It was wonderful to get to see my colleagues from years ago, from my work at Microsoft, again. Similarly, to catch up with my friends from Geekulcha, it’s always great to attend one of their hackathons. I’ve been meaning to post this since Friday the…

  • NaNoWriMo-esque-2024: Week 1 (+a bit)

    NaNoWriMo-esque-2024: Week 1 (+a bit)

    As part of the journey, for the randomised novel, I got stuck in a small delay. On a randomised novel, I have to think of a ton more to add to the story, then when inspiration hits, I don’t have a quick way to even…

  • NaNoWriMo-esque-2024


    It’s that time of the year again. I haven’t released my first, cough, or second sequel, cough cough, but that should change fairly soon. I would like to believe. This time, I will be doing a completely randomised novel this year. While I’m stuck in…

  • GPT Systems: Train GPT 2 – Godot 4.3 Experimental

    GPT Systems: Train GPT 2 – Godot 4.3 Experimental

    Recently I’ve pressed the ‘reset button‘ in my plans for my future. I’ve seen, and heard, a ton of interesting things which has led to me needing this recent break. Without dwelling on how I’ve started to defend myself, finally, I’d rather focus on the…