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Today we share the plans for the channel for 2019, a day or two earlier.

Currently the schedule looks as follows:

  • Factorio: Monday, Friday
  • Vanilla Drake: Sunday (prerecording), Tuesday
  • edg3 ZA Minecraft: Thursday, Saturday (prerecording)
  • Roguelike Adventures and Dungeons: Wednesday

Factorio is a game where you are on an alien planet. To get away safely you need to build a rocket ship, and travel to space. We may have a multiplayer recording at some point to try to get the fastest time we can.

Vanilla Drake is a challenge in Minecraft, we try our best to never pay attention to coordinates, and so on. We want to be using pure vanilla to kill the ender dragon. In our current season we are trying to do certain things, however, I know for a fact we can adjust what we do completely to be way faster.

edg3 ZA Minecraft is our vanilla survival world, we use a world border so we have from -2000,-2000 to 2000,2000 odd. We move the world border further when we get major generation changes (like 1.14 that is on its way). We keep the world small to make sure we can minimize the effort to bring the new generation features for ourselves.

Roguelike Adventures and Dungeons is a Minecraft mod pack, I manage it by sticking to the updates through the twitch launcher. This should be a nice way to spend time in Minecraft, allowing us to have more fun.