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Evening view from the camp site

This week we will share a little bit of nature, it is so awesome that Marakele is getting some rains. Their camp is so fabulous as you can see the buck around your tents at times!

The monkeys loved to play

The photo’s so far, and until declared otherwise, are taken with a Nikon D70. Images shown on the site are scaled down a lot, the full quality download is available.

This butterfly fluttered by me
There are more than you see in this photo, by the way
The posh pose
He’s hiding well!
The clouded view point
Lenong View Point
Lenong View Point
The clouds were camping on the hills that day
Hiding behind the bushes
My favorite photo
They avoided contact with people
The final evening

Be sure to go to Marakele when you have the chance, it’s awesome there!

As a reminder, thanks for checking it out, the download link is at the top for if you want the full quality photos. I would love to hear thoughts on my photo fun.

You will note that one of the lenses I used was slightly dirty, I just like how the photos are anyway.