NaNoWriMo is here for this year, and I’m busy with book 2. Accidental Distances: Troubled Land.
As we are 9 days in to this years NaNoWriMo it’s easy to understand, I am focused on also writing my next novel. I’d prefer to release the first novel sooner, it’s just to edit my first novel is a touch slow for me. I’m constantly learning new things with my spelling and grammar.
Accidental Distances: Troubled Land
I did my usual prep, and have 32 plot points to get into. I’m using NaNoE.V2 to write it, which I’ve made for myself, it’s open source, it’s free.
I decided on 3/11/2020 I’d love to track how many words I write every day, where I am in the story, and how far the plan is actually going. The 1st and 2nd in the image below aren’t the word numbers I wrote, I just ‘filled the gaps‘ for ease.
This would mark today as am ‘adjustment‘, so to speak. I’d gone through several sections to start the novel which added some trouble for my logic. I needed to work out things I rarely ever do, for instance soldering. I’m at 10721 words at the start of today, I’m still in the plot point number 2 out of the 32 I shared above.
It’s easy to notice, I’m not comfortable since I’m below the average I’d need of words per day at the start of the day. We will share later where we move up to at the end of the day, I’m in GMT+2, I won’t give a time yet, though. This is to share I have several hours to fit what I’d need to add to the novel. Today will be where I can move back into making a touch more effort for the novel during the day.
The Idea Behind The Plot
I figure it’s important to point it out here, the plot idea I have is a general set of thoughts for what will happen. You know I use a simple style, here is an example:
- Things Start:
– Person A wants B to happen
– Person C wants to start making D - Things Which Occur:
– Person C wants to start making D, so starts - Things Which Finish:
– Person C wants to start making D, so ends
That would class as a single plot point for my novel, then I start to write as a chapter, and it usually leads to more chapters to add to my story.
For example, I start the soldering suggested as needed in Chapter 1, then the soldering needs to happen, so Chapter 2, then it will finish eventually, I’m almost there, but it might need to be the next Chapter since I don’t want my chapters too long.
This would mean I could take a while in what I end up writing to get through a single set of plot points, I’ve just seen it leads to my story being way more understandable. When I read through it, or listen to it read to me again, I’m already enjoying the story as it plays out in my imagination.
For my fellow authors writing at the moment:
You’re doing great. Even 1 word is more for your novel, it eventually leads to a full Chapter. You’ll eventually make enough Chapters to call it a novel. Just write the 1 word, you’ve got this!
Good luck everyone, you can do this, we can do this. Let’s get our novel out for others to enjoy!