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This month has been crazy, I’m not where I’d planned to be by now, yet, however we can fix it.

Daily track

I wrote every day, and on the day I wanted ‘off’ for a break, I started a paragraph with ‘The’. It went up and down a bit, I found I loved the release of .Net 5.0! Yes, I need more than 2177 words a day to get it through the ‘daily goal’ of writing.

A ton has happened which delayed my sprint to get the 50k this month, I’ll make an effort this weekend to pull it all back. Technically, from today onward.

The point here, with my first unpublished novel at over 100k words, is you’re still alright fellow authors. Don’t let it fool you, we’ve all still got this.

Graphs and numbers
Other thoughts

As you can see, I’m a touch below the goal, it’s manageable. My next update should be fun and fantastic. I just need to use these shared numbers to my advantage.

This works out to 14 hours, 45 minutes, of writing for me to get this going. I’m near a swap to at least an hour a day. I’ve got 13 days, counting today, which would mean I need just an extra hour, or two, on a day, or two.

We all do our work, or study, or other duties. Don’t let it get you down. We’ve got this! It can look simpler if you simplify your outlook, like working out how many hours I’d need. It will allow you to realise you can still do it!

Ignore the not-a-spoiler spoiler as my featured image. I didn’t foresee I needed to add tons of mechanics for my story to progress.
(Insert a winking eye)