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We are coming in to what could be your next writing adventure: Camp NaNoWriMo 2021 is here from tomorrow!

Camp NaNoWriMo is your next, great writing adventure! Every April and July, take the chance to do something new with your writing… with all the flexibility that Camp offers. You can set your own writing goal (you’re not locked into 50,000 words!), and work on any writing project, novel or not.


How can I participate in Camp NaNoWriMo?

  1. To participate in Camp NaNoWriMo, just announce a project, then make sure to check “Associate with a NaNoWriMo event”, and select the current Camp NaNoWriMo event. You can announce your project starting in March for April’s Camp NaNoWriMo session, and in June for July’s Camp NaNoWriMo session.
  2. Once you’ve done that, you should be ready to start tracking your project! You’ll be able to start tracking your writing on April 1 / July 1 on our website!.
  3. Once you’ve reached your writing goal, the site will automatically confirm your win, and you’ll receive a certificate celebrating your achievement, along with a bunch of other winner goodies!

My Declaration For 2021

I will do my best to fulfil all the below before 30 April 2021.

  • Finish first edit draft by 31 March 2021
    I am at paragraph 1907 out of 3364, I can totally do this, I hope
  • From 1 April 2021 edit 1 chapter at least, preferably more than 2
    I’ve got 44 chapters so far, though I need to rearrange a little here
  • Before 30 April 2021 I’d like to finish this 2nd draft edit so I can from the 30th start to publish it
  • With the edits I know the word count slowly increases; better spelling, grammar, and descriptive writing
    Note, I’m currently at 107497 words, at my previous edit it finished at 107473 words. The idea to get over 110k words is just to make it my goal to write more in the novel’s story

I can’t wait for the change to publish my novel. It has had delays, unfortunately, I just feel like this camp is the best way to motivate myself! My goal is simple: increase the word count a touch, edit it all, publish my novel!