Month: November 2023

  • Hiking Trail: Cradle Moon – Green Trail

    Hiking Trail: Cradle Moon – Green Trail

    In an effort to get back on track with my life as a whole, I overheard colleagues of mine share they’d like to go for a hike. Since it’s been super long since I went on one, and haven’t been able to get back into…

  • Reading Review: The Art of Thinking Clearly – Ralph Dobelli

    Reading Review: The Art of Thinking Clearly – Ralph Dobelli

    Last month the book I went through was The Art of Thinking Clearly, by Ralph Dobelli. I did finish, but didn’t get to posting my review due to unforeseen circumstances. The biggest point that came across happens to be that the book isn’t meant to…

  • Starting NaNoWriMo 2023: The Global Coincidence

    Starting NaNoWriMo 2023: The Global Coincidence

    It’s that time of the year again: NaNoWriMo. Write a book of at least 50,000 words in 1 month of 30 days; which means ~1666.7 words needed each day. This year I am most definitely a Plantser, a writer who combines some planning and pantsing…