Several things have changed for me, and it has been difficult to put it all in the right order. To solve my troubles, one of the suggestions is to get back into my exercise routines. It took time, but I managed to get back at it through over a month forced exercise.
That being said, I needed to take the project of Active e-Fitness and give it an update and revamp my original ideas.
This has all come from when I shared Swap Trying, With Doing, and with the simple rule of staying focused on a single project with a way to track my progress which I check every day, I will soon be able to move towards beta testing.
I will share the views, and ideas behind the whole system, soon. My goal is to have a privatised way of going through exercise plans in an adaptive manner. The only stat shared will be the map on my Active e-Fitness page, linked above, which shows a privatised GPS general location.
I plan to make it look better, and release it, as soon as possible. The plans are what I worked with in previous versions, so far, and will change over time, so you’re always welcome to share suggestions if you’ve taken a look at my past versions.