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This weekend started with an awesome adventure, the Crazy Singles Hiking Group, took the time to go enjoy the Rustig Hiking Trails. We all booked for the 9km, 13km, or 15km, for the day, and planned to be careful and stick to the 9km. There are tons of spots to hike up rough terrain, and even almost go full on mountain climbing. A beautiful experience indeed, we all loved it!

At some point near the end of the 9km the group I was in accidentally swapped to a separate path back, and we ended up doing around 11.5km instead. We just loved that it meant we got tons of shade for the last few kilometres we needed to go.

Rustig Hiking Trail: April 20th 2024

Click an image to see more.

I did decide to take way more photos this time, as a challenge, and decided to trim the gallery of over 300 photos to a reasonable amount. Or what I hope to assume is at least near reasonable! The usual stands where all people in these photos can let me know if I should remove a photo of them, but hopefully it’s an impressive gallery. The last note, as always, is yes, I use AI to enhance my photos colours and sharpness, and of course they are lower scale. They are 15% of the original size today.