Category: NaNoE
NaNoWriMo-esque-2024: Week 1 (+a bit)
As part of the journey, for the randomised novel, I got stuck in a small delay. On a randomised novel, I have to think of a ton more to add to the story, then when inspiration hits, I don’t have a quick way to even…
It’s that time of the year again. I haven’t released my first, cough, or second sequel, cough cough, but that should change fairly soon. I would like to believe. This time, I will be doing a completely randomised novel this year. While I’m stuck in…
Starting NaNoWriMo 2023: The Global Coincidence
It’s that time of the year again: NaNoWriMo. Write a book of at least 50,000 words in 1 month of 30 days; which means ~1666.7 words needed each day. This year I am most definitely a Plantser, a writer who combines some planning and pantsing…
Experiment: NaNoE.V3 Experimentation Built Through ChatGPT Tutorials
Everyone has been playing around with the new GPT. Some have had fabulous experiences, some have not. I’ve found the style of questions to ask which allow for me to start experimenting in new ways with my personal projects. I went through several iterations to…
NaNoWriMo 2022: The Clumsy Clutzy Man
This year I chose to write in a different style compared to my past novels. That being said, this year has been way more fun than I expected. I will share more, at some point in time, about the idea I have for my novel…
NaNoE V2 1.0.4
This is a bugfix release, so it can pickup words properly when there are ignorable characters (such as ‘,’ or ‘.’ to name only 2). The repo has been updated, as well as the download on the page here. Get NaNoE V2 1.0.4 here: NaNoE.V2-1.0.4.rar
NaNoE V2 1.0.3
Today we step into the slight adjustments I’ve made to NaNoE V2 before the challenge coming this month: April Camp NaNoWriMo 2021. My goal for the camp: publish my first novel, Accidental Distances. Feature Updates We now have repetition checks within sentences, consider ‘we can…
NaNoWriMo 2020: Final Thoughts
This year we’ve gotten to 27008 words, which is great, it’s just unfortunate that sickness stopped the posibility. On 18/11/2020 I got hit by sickness, it wasn’t Covid-19, it just hit hard. I could barely concentrate on anything with the harsh symptoms. I couldn’t even…
NaNoWriMo Update: 10 to 17/10/2020
This month has been crazy, I’m not where I’d planned to be by now, yet, however we can fix it. I wrote every day, and on the day I wanted ‘off’ for a break, I started a paragraph with ‘The’. It went up and down…