Category: Psychology
How to Stick to Your Goals: Determination
When we choose to try achieve a goal for ourselves we usually have the small concept of an idea for what we want to achieve. A large problem with this is people stick to the vague idea they’ve thought of. Sticking to the vague idea…
Living With My Disability
I’ve been different from others over the last, near, 6 years. It’s difficult, my disability regularly has other people always forgetting I have my problems. 1. Fake Not Having It I hide my disability from others. Not so they don’t know I have it, I…
Let’s Move in a Different Direction
There are quite a few flaws in our lives. This is meant in no derogatory way, no. It is just something worth taking a good look at. Under normal circumstances, people will immediately see certain things as bad and derogatory. I hate to break it…
Interesting Trauma Facts
This blog had some fascinating things to share about the trauma. After a handful of traumas in the last five years, things look different now. Trauma upends everything we took for granted, including things we didn’t know we took for granted. (source above) As the side…
A Procrastination Problem
I figured I should start out only sharing the positive things, it wouldn’t make sense if I shared certain things I struggled with that weren’t about me alone. You will see at the end I can suggest the ways I found that worked better for…