NaNoE.V2 is my novel writing software I started to create in mid 2020 to replace NaNoE. The aim is to make an easier interface to use for writing your novel for things such as NaNoWriMo.
Download: NaNoE.V2-1.0.4.rar
Source: github edg3/NaNoE.V2
Safety declaration: Make sure you save and backup data in NaNoE.V2 regularly, like I’d recommend using things such as OneDrive or Google Drive, and making a backup copy every few days. Safety is always a concern, especially when the power might go out.

Above you can see the two themes currently available, a Dark and a Light option for your preferences. edg3 prefers the Dark.

- Open Last: NaNoE.V2 tracks where the last novel you opened was
- New: Starts a brand new novel
Stay safe and make backups of your novels. - Open: Opens an existing NaNoE.V2 novel
- Readme: Additional information and links

- View: Change between Dark or Light theme.
- Edits: Change the edits you’d like for your novel. See below.

General edits has 2 sections:
- Left side: Words you want to remove from your novel. The option is what it should look for, the detail is the short message, and the message is the longer suggestion.
You can have multiple lines in messages, seperate them with a ‘|’. - Right side: Words for the edit processor to ignore.
For instance I couldn’t think of what to replace ‘dining’ with, but ends with ‘-ing’.

Phrase shortening looks for phrases you’d like to shorten, or remove, in the paragraphs written. Phrase is the longer phrase you’re removing, short suggestion is the shortened idea you can use.

- Word Document: Opens a helper that will let you know what you need to do to create a new novel in NaNoE.V2 with the data out of an existing .DocX file.
- Helpers from ‘.ndb’: Imports the helpers you made in another NaNoE.V2 ‘.ndb’ novel, needs you helpers to be blank (so back data up if you can).

- Novel Format DocX: Exports the open novel to a word file in a format that’s easy for you to finish off for yourself. Ignores Notes and Bookmarks.
- Raw Format DocX: Exports all the open novel data to a word file, like above, however it also puts the Notes and Bookmarks in.
- All Data to TXT: Exports all the data found in the ‘.ndb’ novel file you opened in raw format, text.

When you create a novel you will see this view, this is where we can write our novel, and write the other novel elements we would like.
- [1] Your word count, and your current location in the list of elements (note, see below).
- [2] Where you write for your novel. This is where you write the text needed for a Paragraph, Note, or Bookmark.
Pressing <enter> only inserts a Paragraph.
Keep blank for adding a Chapter.
Bookmarks must be 1-25 characters in length written in ‘2’.
Above, and below, are the elements surrounding this position. It isn’t shown here, but pressing enter will show the new element you added above 2. - [3] You press <enter> to add a Paragraph with the text you type in ‘2’. If you want the other elements you can add in the position you would click the corresponding buttons here.
- [4] Navigation is located here, just be careful with your movements, don’t forget to save the text into the novel before doing actions if possible.
Edit mode will start to edit the paragraph above.
Start takes you to the first position in the novel.
The arrow up moves up one position.
Bookmarks opens the navigation helper.
The arrow down moves down one position.
End takes you to the last position in the novel. - [5] The list of edit suggestions.
In writing mode it only suggests spelling errors.
In edit mode it also has the options in the edit settings shown above. - [6] Open or close the helpers panel.
The bug starting with ‘1 word’ is fixed, it’s sorted for full release, it’s a blank element at the start, oops.

In edit mode it will go to the previous element above 2. Similarly, you can use the navigation pain in the same fashion to move around in the edit mode.
- [1] The element before the one marked to edit.
- [2] The current element data we are going to edit.
- [3] You’ll note the position and count are tracked here as well with your changes.
- [4] The safe place to edit the text of the paragraph, this way you can adjust it till you find what you’d like to edit it to.
- [5] The element after this location.
- [6] The actions you can do on the current element.
Delete element will warn you, but it removes an element from the novel completely, use with your discretion, there is a pop-up to double check you want to do it.
Refresh edits will reset what is shown on the list of Edit suggestions on the right.
Find next will process the next elements until it finds an element that has 1 or more suggestion for the edit.
Save edit will replace the text in the element with what you wrote in ‘4’ in the novel to save it. - [7] Note the edits suggested here:
You can <double-click> and <right-click> most of the options in this list of Edits, it will do actions like move the writing character in ‘4’ to the position of the suggestion, or open the message shown in edit settings above.

Under helpers you can see you can add a character, Char, an Item or chapter, Chap. You will get prompted for the name you’d like for it.
Then you can select one, and you can add Inner Notes to each of those Helpers. For instance I’d add an Inner Note to the Starting Chapter I made in this circumstance.
Delete, or Del, does exactly what you’d expect, it removes the selection in the list just above it.
There is more possible inside NaNoE.V2, however we’ll do a full walk through in a blog post of writing using it in a week or two, it will be linked here.
Personal notice: I am currently using NaNoE.V2 to edit Accidental Distances and prep for NaNoWriMo 2020.