Author: edg3

  • News: GGJ Break

    Due to GGJ being this weekend, we will not be uploading to the channel. Have a great weekend, see you on Monday!

  • Let’s Get a Laptop

    Let’s Get a Laptop

    Today, I have finally decided to switch gears. In terms of the work I am employed to do, I had a lot to consider. I will need to travel very far this year, for quite a few days at a time, and it is cumbersome…

  • Wrapping MonoGame – Let’s Be Simpler

    Wrapping MonoGame – Let’s Be Simpler

    I am wrapping code around MonoGame to announce SokoBomber 2, and have it adapt between platforms. I just figured I want to try something a little different. For today, since GGJ is nearly here we will make an easier way to split our game’s code up. This is aiming to make it easier for us to…

  • Where to start with Game Dev?

    Where to start with Game Dev?

    Day 0: I am a noob Let us turn back to a few years ago. Through Make Games SA I asked around for topics for writing challenges to learn game development. In 2012 I was the chairperson, however, you know from my “about” I’m completely…

  • Interesting Trauma Facts

    Interesting Trauma Facts

    This blog had some fascinating things to share about the trauma. After a handful of traumas in the last five years, things look different now. Trauma upends everything we took for granted, including things we didn’t know we took for granted. (source above) As the side…

  • 2018’s End Credits

    Since we have gathered for the end of 2018 I figured I should share how the year felt, and obviously my plans for the new year. To be honest, there were quite a few difficulties I endured, we just won’t focus on that. I feel…

  • Channel News: 2019 Plans

    Today we share the plans for the channel for 2019, a day or two earlier. Currently the schedule looks as follows: Factorio: Monday, Friday Vanilla Drake: Sunday (prerecording), Tuesday edg3 ZA Minecraft: Thursday, Saturday (prerecording) Roguelike Adventures and Dungeons: Wednesday

  • Novel: Accidental Distances

    This was what started as my NaNoWriMo entry this year. You can see where it went here. There are several things for this to be the post of today, first off, it is my new open source editing program. I simplified things, I attempted to…

  • A Procrastination Problem

    I figured I should start out only sharing the positive things, it wouldn’t make sense if I shared certain things I struggled with that weren’t about me alone. You will see at the end I can suggest the ways I found that worked better for…